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About Yoga 


The different practical yoga tools consist of a variety of ethical principles and studies:

physical positions - asanas

breathing techniques - pranayama

methods for deep relaxation, concentration leading to meditation - pratyahara, dharana and dhyana

as well as self enquiry and philosophy.

All these tools and practices may support us to balance the gross physical, to the more subtle aspects of our being.

This again can prepare us to go deeper in our experiences and connect to our deeper being.
The methods can strengthen our connection with our deeper core self;
that part of us that naturally feel and experience that we are connected to all, and everything; Union.

Yoga practice is a vast and deep tradition and body of knowledge, and the experiences must come forth through practical experience.
Even if many associate yoga with the practice of yoga positions these days, there is so much more to explore, study and discover.
Yoga practice may make us conscious about what has been hidden in the unconscious psyche. In this way if we do honest self- inquiry we may expand our consciousness and grow in awareness through yoga practice.


Yoga is Universal and for Everyone

The universal principles of yoga include all. People from different cultural and religious backgrounds and traditions are practicing yoga all over the world. Even if some believe the practice of yoga is connected to hindu culture or religion, - these methods can enhance the spiritual or religious direction you already are a part of, and are not pointing you in a special religious direction or belifesystem. Yoga is practical and a path of exploration and experience, not a fixed set of rules or ideas.

Different yoga practices

The various yoga practices and yoga tools consists among other things of the practice of yoga positions (asanas), breathing techniques, meditation- and relaxation techniques. The yoga tradition also includes philosophy and guidelines to reflect upon and practice in life. The practice of yoga can be included in every aspect of our life; as we grow in our practice and deepen our understanding the different aspects of yoga and life in general will come together. There may be no difference between "yoga", our yoga practice, and life itself.

Yoga is a practical knowledge

It is through practicing the tools of yoga that we can experience and discover how the yoga tools work in us.
What intention we have by doing yoga practice is naturally up to everyone, and the various methods of yoga have something to give everyone, and challenges us in different ways, on various stages in life.

Yoga for health, wellness and balance

Through the physical practice of asana and breath we can experience increased strength, flexibility and balance in the physical as well as in energetic body.
The breathing exercises and relaxation methods can help us to to allow a more peaceful state of mind, presence and deeper rest.

Yoga for spiritual discoveries and transformation

Through study and self-inquiry we may be able to change and transform our way of life and living that does not serve us, - or to allow the unconscious or habitual patterns in mind, body and spirit to become conscious.
Yoga practice can be a tool of transformation as well as therapy, when done in a good balanced way and under the guidance of experienced heartful teachers. 

Written by Johanne Bjennmyr Melkevoll

Learn the cosmic yoga if you can - David Frawley

Copyright all texts and pictures @Blue Mountain Yoga 2015-2024